What’s new in v2 you say?
Additional slots on the side of the panel to guide extra cables through the hole 🙂
It’s a Hole
“When meme’s become physical”
A few weeks ago the launch of Matriarch B2F got some great responses and even got an article written by Mr R Vincent aka Molten Modular. He suggested a small addition to provide a way out for the cables coming from the module, because people with closed cases might need to get the cables back out. With that being said i created a small 1U module that is nothing more than a hole. But a multi functional hole!!
– Skiff friendly
– Fully analog
– Not impacted by the 2022 chip shortage
– Big enough to fit 6 to 8 eurorackcables (depending on the girth of course)
– – or other cables like a small eurorack power connector to quickly power up/test a module
– – or a slim midi plug
– Cable management solution
– Provides soft edges for the hole
– Comes with closed grommet (You will need to make the opening)
– – Possible opening stylings: (eyelid – sphincter – gape)
Available fitted or in DIY because i would not want to take away the pleasure of fitting a rubber inside Molten’s Hole and selecting your own opening style
Module is created with the permission to use Molten’s name and fully aware of the possible implications.
Disclaimer: Does not fit a Volca – or body parts for that matter
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